Monday, 16 May 2011

Books, books and a day out in Kent

Delving into Craig Allen's Eisenhower and the Mass Media, while flicking through Dan Rather's The Camera Never Blinks....James Hagerty's Diaries are on their way.

In the quest to finally finish my literature review, I'm on the hunt for William Safire's Before the Fall and Samuel Rosenman's Walking with Roosevelt. If anyone has a copy of either they don't want, please get in touch.

Hoping to head into campus this afternoon to pick up a couple of theory titles: Hill's The Policy Process: a reader and Greenaway's Deciding Factors in British Politics but have to wait for one (any?) member of my family to get home to let the rest in before I can go.

Meanwhile, I now have confirmation that I'm giving a presentation on June 15th at the SE Regional Hub History conference at the University of'll be a variation of the 240,000 mile cul de sac theme.

Anyway back to the books.

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